When Headaches Take Over Your Life

I do not believe that it's God's Will for people to suffer from headaches. I realize that sometimes do to medical reasons people get headaches, however when I apply the scriptures to headaches I do not see them as a part of God's plans and purposes. In the word of God it states that God gives peace and rest to his children. I don't see headaches as a part of peace or rest. Now off course if your having tooth problems and end up with a headache that's another deal.
You see I have a friend that suffers from migraine headaches. They get so bad that you can see the pain in his face and see the affects of them. Yet my friend has also shared with me that he hears voices, and at one time believed that the Holy Spirit told him that he had blasphemed the Holy Ghost and was going to hell. His wife has shared with me that there have been times when he's literally lost his mind, over ran with fear, paranoia, delusions and other mental problems. These conditions, situation and circumstances are not of God. Another scripture that comes to mind is that "God is not the author of confusion" and migraine headaches and the above lead to confusion.
If you are suffering from headaches that control and overtake your life, I encourage you to check out Freedom In Christ Ministries and read some of Niel T. Anderson's books like The Bondage Breaker or The Steps To Freedom In Christ. Through such, you just might find freedom. My wife use to suffer from migraine headaches. Through prayer and deliverence she was set free.
Blessings, in the freedom that Christ brings.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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