Selfesh Desires, The Flame Of Arguements

Have you ever noticed how within many arguments, there are desires, wants, needs and many times within those desires are selfish motives? Other times what seems to surface is that one person feels that the other person is not meeting thier demands. It's almost like a fight that erupts for control and every sense of reality and truth ceases to exist. It's like the flesh, the lust of the flesh and fleshly desires take over, erupt in a argument and burn like a mighty flame.
Peace is overtaken by hostilities, faith is over ran by words, Kingdom principles are thrown out the door as the mouth speaks forth the abundance of the heart. The end result are words spoken that damage, words spoken that hinder, and a enemy that is invited into the situation that wages war against everything holy and godly.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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