Purpose and Understanding In Spiritual Gifts

Take The Challenge - Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts by Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr. has been written to help others in the body of Christ discover their place in the Kingdom of God through the realization of their spiritual gifts as spoken of in the Bible. 

Christians will come to know purpose as they understand that they are called, chosen, equipped, and have everything they need from God. This is a comprehensive instructional guide that breaks down this complex subject on spiritual gifts, offering an easy-to-read teaching on the many gifts from the Holy Spirit that will enrich one’s service in the Kingdom, giving great understanding of their own personal spiritual gifts, and how to use them.

The author notes that spiritual gifts are not for you, but a service to the body of Christ. With this in mind, Pastor G. Morrisey guides readers through a step-by-step and practical insight of spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Believers will come to understand their own spiritual gifts, as they are taught each gifts’ functionality, along with Who gives these gifts. By building on the spiritual gifts listed in Scripture, the author also speaks on the authority of Paul the Apostle’s statement in 1 Corinthians 12:1, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” He stands on that statement by Paul. At the end of each chapter, Pastor Morrisey offers a short quiz to personalize the chapter. Each chapter is concise, offering insight and sound doctrine.

Chapters include: Spiritual Gifts and the Holy Ghost, What are Spiritual Gifts According to Scripture, Revelation Gifts: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and the Discerning of Sprits, Power Gifts: Faith, Healing and Working of Miracles, Utterance Gifts: Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy, Gifts of the Spirit, Definition of Spiritual Gifts Listed in the Bible, Steps to Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, How to Exercise Your Spiritual Gifts, and Confirming Your Spiritual Gifts. At the end of the book is another personal quiz that includes a section on using your gifts wisely.

Invaluable, and inseparable from the Word of God, spiritual gifts will move one forward in the flow of the Kingdom of God. Each believer has various gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. As an important part of the body of Christ, each believer should strive to understand their gifts and talents to use them accordingly as a servant and as an instrument to the body of believers, as well as to those around them. This is a wonderful and important book to come up higher in one’s walk with God and to learn to be used mightily of God.

This book comes highly recommended for new or mature believers alike who would like to become the least in the Kingdom of God by becoming “a servant to all.”

Get your copy of Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts at Amazon or in Kindle. Be sure to visit Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr. at God's Love Church where you can find out more and his books and some wonderful ministry. 

Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

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